Customer Reviews
78,999.00₹ 61,999.00₹

Multivendor Grocery app
What Will You Get :-
1. User android app
2. Seller android app
3. Delivery boy android app
4. Store Admin web
5. super Admin Panel web ( Php)
6. Complete Website
7. Complete Source Code
8. 1 year Free techincal support
What Will you Give us :-
1. Your business name
2. Domain
3. Hosting
4.Logo & Icon
5.Products type
If you don’t have Domain & Hosting Then You Can Buy It From Here :-
Click here to purchase your Domain :- Domain
Click here to purchase your Hosting :- Hosting
Starbasket App Functionality :-
- multivendor multi location app
- customer can make a order to seller anyone nearby him
- Driver and seller will receive push notification sound notification when their is a new order
- seller can accept new order
- Seller can upload products from app
- seller can see his reviews from app
- seller can update current products and In stock or not from app
- seller can check statics from this date to that date orders
- seller can use web dashboard to do all this too
- seller can see his chats and message customers who have messaged him for any enquiry
- seller can contact admin for any issue
- delivery man can turn off / on his availability if he is turned off he will not receive new order notifications
- can see his reviews
- can contact customer / seller while a order going on for any query
- can contact admin for any issue
- voice search feature also available
- flutter app
- php caravel admin
- Reach js
- my sql database